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Thursday, December 13, 2007

= Gone Till January =

So what did I decide to take with me on my vacation? You guessed it.. the biggest loss of my trading career. You can save the applause for later but I gotta show how the market can mess with your head even if you think your good.

How does -$450 sound? Sounds good if it ain't you. :)

I always say that there will be a tomorrow but this time there ain't no tomorrow.


Going on a vacation for a month.. then busy moving my stuff and won't be able to get back to trading until I have a reliable Internet access at my new place and a good place to trade. Until then click on some AdSense ads if you like something there and I guess that's it.

- ciao -



Adrian said...

Ouch, crappy way to end the trading year. Market doesn't give us much love. Screw it, have a good vacation anyway & see you in January!

Anonymous said...

Worst loss of your trading career? Of only $450??? Sounds like you are just starting off. Also, it should be, "...even if you think YOU'RE good." Goodluck with the trading gig.

Day Trade Emini